Season of Motherhood February 2022


Photography has and always will be my form of prayer. Deep within the more vulnerable places of my heart, I’ve always found it poetic that I was bestowed the gift of painting with light. There was a time-not long ago that I found the rhythm of my vocation as a wife and mother irresistibly inspiring. It was from this deep place of love that my creatively flowed. If I am being honest, it’s been a long time since I have felt I could freely create from this place of joy. I see you beckoning me back and I hear the whisperings on my heart. Light is penetrating palaces I’ve felt more comfortable leaving tucked away. There is no freedom in hiding now is there? Inflate- this is my season.

Welcome to Artifact Motherhood. This is a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Through our writings and visual records we want to create memories that are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artefacts we are leaving behind for our children and for generations to come. Go next to the wonderful artist Min Mohd to read her post in our blog circle.